
Sunday, 24 June 2007

Proof of the Progression

Through continual trial, development and shear perseverance the Datsun SSS has ultimately become a force to be reckoned with, not only locally (Killarney) but it would appear throughout the country as well. Progress into class B (WPMC - Killarney) was therefore inevitable and was also duly recognised at an away race meeting held at the Wesbank Raceway (Johannesburg) in September of 2005. The newspapers reflected and summarised the race event perfectly. (Click on graphics below to enlarge)

Although 'lady luck' was not on his side throughout the entire day at that event, the precedent had been set and noticed by all. During all these achievements and 'accolades' bestowed upon him by fellow competitors, he has remained down to earth and humbled, never once letting his achievements allow him to become 'swollen headed'.

The same event was again held the following year (September 2006) albeit a rather disappointing event due to the lack of spectators. However among the racing fraternity it was business as usual on the track. Ultimately the 'North vs South' race event was taken by a clean sweep victory by the Cape Town WPMC competitors and left a rather sour taste in the 'Northerners' mouths.

Some of the WPMC fellow competitors: (Martin Richards, Trevor Momberg and Fred Phillips) (click on the graphics to enlarge)

Congratulation were in order to all competitors from the South.......Victory was 'oh so sweet'.

Michele Lupini (the only support he had was a crutch) was the race organiser for the event.

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